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Agility Trial Volunteer Signup

Ottawa Valley Border Collie Club Standard Trial

Saturday September 21, 2024

Welcome to the OVBCC volunteer page where you can volunteer for our trial. To volunteer just click on a "Volunteer" link and your name will appear in that box.  You can click on your name to add a comment or to un-volunteer.
Please note that this page has volunteer jobs that are during the trials, as well as the day before and immediately after (i.e. pre-trial and post-trial).
Many jobs can be done by high school volunteers for community involvement hours – mostly, you have to like being around dogs!
Please contact OVBCC Volunteers if you have any questions.
Your contact information will be kept private, only your display name will be displayed publicly.
Saturday - Starters and Advanced

Check In Table

8:00 to End of Third Event
Check-in/Volunteers Volunteer

Ring Jobs

Starters Standard 1 Starters Standard 2 Advanced Standard 1 Advanced Standard 2 Steeplechase 1 Masters Standard 1 Steeplechase 2 Masters Standard 2
Gate Keeper Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer
Timer JWillis
Scribe Kim Marston Yan Kim Marston JWillis
Leash Runner Miki Volunteer Rosemary Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer
Ring Steward Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer Susan Dell Volunteer Volunteer
Ring Steward Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer
Ring Steward Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer
Ring Steward Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer


Builder Starters Standard 2 Build Advanced Standard 1 Build Advanced Standard 2 Build Masters Standard 1 Build Steeplechase 2 During Standard 1 Build Masters Standard 2 During Steeplchase 2
Chief Course Builder Kim Marston Volunteer Volunteer Kim Marston Volunteer
Course Builder Volunteer
Need 5 of 5
Need 5 of 5
Need 5 of 5
Need 5 of 5
Need 5 of 5
Need 5 of 5

Competitors are welcome to help wtih the builds between events.


Friday, Saturday After and Sunday at the End

Trial Setup and Tear Down

Trial Setup Friday 6 pm to 7:30 pm Post Trail Cleanup
Helper Volunteer
Need 2 of 4